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Although many studies have successfully applied transfer learning to medical image segmentation, very few of them have investigated the selection strategy when multiple source tasks are available for transfer. In this paper, we propose a prior knowledge guided and transferability based framework to select the best source tasks among a collection of brain image segmentation tasks, to improve the transfer learning performance on the given target task. The framework consists of modality analysis, RoI (region of interest) analysis, and transferability estimation, such that the source task selection can be refined step by step. Specifically, we adapt the state-of-the-art analytical transferability estimation metrics to medical image segmentation tasks and further show that their performance can be significantly boosted by filtering candidate source tasks based on modality and RoI characteristics. Our experiments on brain matter, brain tumor, and white matter hyperintensities segmentation datasets reveal that transferring from different tasks under the same modality is often more successful than transferring from the same task under different modalities. Furthermore, within the same modality, transferring from the source task that has stronger RoI shape similarity with the target task can significantly improve the final transfer performance. And such similarity can be captured using the Structural Similarity index in the label space.
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In computational advertising, a challenging problem is how to recommend the bid for advertisers to achieve the best return on investment (ROI) given budget constraint. This paper presents a bid recommendation scenario that discovers the concavity changes in click prediction curves. The recommended bid is derived based on the turning point from significant increase (i.e. concave downward) to slow increase (convex upward). Parametric learning based method is applied by solving the corresponding constraint optimization problem. Empirical studies on real-world advertising scenarios clearly demonstrate the performance gains for business metrics (including revenue increase, click increase and advertiser ROI increase).
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Background samples provide key contextual information for segmenting regions of interest (ROIs). However, they always cover a diverse set of structures, causing difficulties for the segmentation model to learn good decision boundaries with high sensitivity and precision. The issue concerns the highly heterogeneous nature of the background class, resulting in multi-modal distributions. Empirically, we find that neural networks trained with heterogeneous background struggle to map the corresponding contextual samples to compact clusters in feature space. As a result, the distribution over background logit activations may shift across the decision boundary, leading to systematic over-segmentation across different datasets and tasks. In this study, we propose context label learning (CoLab) to improve the context representations by decomposing the background class into several subclasses. Specifically, we train an auxiliary network as a task generator, along with the primary segmentation model, to automatically generate context labels that positively affect the ROI segmentation accuracy. Extensive experiments are conducted on several challenging segmentation tasks and datasets. The results demonstrate that CoLab can guide the segmentation model to map the logits of background samples away from the decision boundary, resulting in significantly improved segmentation accuracy. Code is available.
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Adapting object detectors learned with sufficient supervision to novel classes under low data regimes is charming yet challenging. In few-shot object detection (FSOD), the two-step training paradigm is widely adopted to mitigate the severe sample imbalance, i.e., holistic pre-training on base classes, then partial fine-tuning in a balanced setting with all classes. Since unlabeled instances are suppressed as backgrounds in the base training phase, the learned RPN is prone to produce biased proposals for novel instances, resulting in dramatic performance degradation. Unfortunately, the extreme data scarcity aggravates the proposal distribution bias, hindering the RoI head from evolving toward novel classes. In this paper, we introduce a simple yet effective proposal distribution calibration (PDC) approach to neatly enhance the localization and classification abilities of the RoI head by recycling its localization ability endowed in base training and enriching high-quality positive samples for semantic fine-tuning. Specifically, we sample proposals based on the base proposal statistics to calibrate the distribution bias and impose additional localization and classification losses upon the sampled proposals for fast expanding the base detector to novel classes. Experiments on the commonly used Pascal VOC and MS COCO datasets with explicit state-of-the-art performances justify the efficacy of our PDC for FSOD. Code is available at github.com/Bohao-Lee/PDC.
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Light is a complex-valued field. The intensity and phase of the field are affected by imaged objects. However, imaging sensors measure only real-valued non-negative intensities. This results in a nonlinear relation between the measurements and the unknown imaged objects. Moreover, the sensor readouts are corrupted by Poissonian-distributed photon noise. In this work, we seek the most probable object (or clear image), given noisy measurements, that is, maximizing the a-posteriori probability of the sought variables. Hence, we generalize annealed Langevin dynamics, tackling fundamental challenges in optical imaging, including phase recovery and Poisson (photon) denoising. We leverage deep neural networks, not for explicit recovery of the imaged object, but as an approximate gradient for a prior term. We show results on empirical data, acquired by a real experiment. We further show results of simulations.
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Deep learning techniques have greatly benefited computer-aided diagnostic systems. However, unlike other fields, in medical imaging, acquiring large fine-grained annotated datasets such as 3D tumour segmentation is challenging due to the high cost of manual annotation and privacy regulations. This has given interest to weakly-supervise methods to utilize the weakly labelled data for tumour segmentation. In this work, we propose a weakly supervised approach to obtain regions of interest using binary class labels. Furthermore, we propose a novel objective function to train the generator model based on a pretrained binary classification model. Finally, we apply our method to the brain tumour segmentation problem in MRI.
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Manual prescription of the field of view (FOV) by MRI technologists is variable and prolongs the scanning process. Often, the FOV is too large or crops critical anatomy. We propose a deep-learning framework, trained by radiologists' supervision, for automating FOV prescription. An intra-stack shared feature extraction network and an attention network are used to process a stack of 2D image inputs to generate output scalars defining the location of a rectangular region of interest (ROI). The attention mechanism is used to make the model focus on the small number of informative slices in a stack. Then the smallest FOV that makes the neural network predicted ROI free of aliasing is calculated by an algebraic operation derived from MR sampling theory. We retrospectively collected 595 cases between February 2018 and February 2022. The framework's performance is examined quantitatively with intersection over union (IoU) and pixel error on position, and qualitatively with a reader study. We use the t-test for comparing quantitative results from all models and a radiologist. The proposed model achieves an average IoU of 0.867 and average ROI position error of 9.06 out of 512 pixels on 80 test cases, significantly better (P<0.05) than two baseline models and not significantly different from a radiologist (P>0.12). Finally, the FOV given by the proposed framework achieves an acceptance rate of 92% from an experienced radiologist.
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Despite high global prevalence of hepatic steatosis, no automated diagnostics demonstrated generalizability in detecting steatosis on multiple international datasets. Traditionally, hepatic steatosis detection relies on clinicians selecting the region of interest (ROI) on computed tomography (CT) to measure liver attenuation. ROI selection demands time and expertise, and therefore is not routinely performed in populations. To automate the process, we validated an existing artificial intelligence (AI) system for 3D liver segmentation and used it to purpose a novel method: AI-ROI, which could automatically select the ROI for attenuation measurements. AI segmentation and AI-ROI method were evaluated on 1,014 non-contrast enhanced chest CT images from eight international datasets: LIDC-IDRI, NSCLC-Lung1, RIDER, VESSEL12, RICORD-1A, RICORD-1B, COVID-19-Italy, and COVID-19-China. AI segmentation achieved a mean dice coefficient of 0.957. Attenuations measured by AI-ROI showed no significant differences (p = 0.545) and a reduction of 71% time compared to expert measurements. The area under the curve (AUC) of the steatosis classification of AI-ROI is 0.921 (95% CI: 0.883 - 0.959). If performed as a routine screening method, our AI protocol could potentially allow early non-invasive, non-pharmacological preventative interventions for hepatic steatosis. 1,014 expert-annotated liver segmentations of patients with hepatic steatosis annotations can be downloaded here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-g_zJeAaZXYXGqL1OeF6pUjr6KB0igJX.
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We tackle the problem of novel class discovery and localization (NCDL). In this setting, we assume a source dataset with supervision for only some object classes. Instances of other classes need to be discovered, classified, and localized automatically based on visual similarity without any human supervision. To tackle NCDL, we propose a two-stage object detection network Region-based NCDL (RNCDL) that uses a region proposal network to localize regions of interest (RoIs). We then train our network to learn to classify each RoI, either as one of the known classes, seen in the source dataset, or one of the novel classes, with a long-tail distribution constraint on the class assignments, reflecting the natural frequency of classes in the real world. By training our detection network with this objective in an end-to-end manner, it learns to classify all region proposals for a large variety of classes, including those not part of the labeled object class vocabulary. Our experiments conducted using COCO and LVIS datasets reveal that our method is significantly more effective than multi-stage pipelines that rely on traditional clustering algorithms. Furthermore, we demonstrate the generality of our approach by applying our method to a large-scale Visual Genome dataset, where our network successfully learns to detect various semantic classes without direct supervision.
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